I had to use the search function on my Kindle to find where the bad guy was first mentioned, because I couldn't remember who he was.and I read most of this book in a single afternoon. I was *thoroughly* confused by the final few chapters, the reveal of the bad guy, and the overall resolution. This story was a mishmash of Hwa's bodyguard job and the serial killer plot, and it never 100% gelled for me. Then, Hwa's friends from the sex worker union start showing up dead, and Hwa is trying to figure out whether she, Joel, or the women are the real intended targets. Because of this, Hwa is offered a job protecting a rich, powerful man's teenage son Joel who has been receiving death threats. She is also a rare person who hasn't been gene-tweaked or augmented with implants: she's all organic and can't be hacked. She was born with a syndrome that leaves her with a disfigured face, a large birthmark stain, and a tendency for seizures. Hwa is a half-Korean woman who works as a bodyguard. I've been looking forward to this book for about 2 years and it turned out to be not really the type of story I enjoy these days, and it had problems with pacing and transitions and overall knitting the story parts together. Sadly, I wasn't impressed with Company Town. I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.